There are so many moments during any given day where we have to make choices about our health and wellness. Even NOT doing something is making a choice. I have a lot of head knowledge about health and fitness and diet-- I've actually taken nutrition classes and health classes. But putting that knowledge into practice? Not always easy. It's all about the decision that's in front of you right now. This moment. When you're staring in the fridge because you're bored. When you mosey down the chips … [Read more...]
Advice? Or Judgement?
Talking about health and nutrition is almost like talking politics and religion-- everyone has their own deep- seated beliefs on what's best, what's right, what's wrong. Maybe you've experienced it, too, that overbearing, but well-meaning friend who bombards you with unsolicited nutritional advice. Because every college requires a certain number of health credits, and I have never particularly enjoyed athletics, I was content to take a nutrition class to satisfy my requirements. The class … [Read more...]